It was first describe in 2009 during an outbreakof viral hemorrhagic fever in Zambia .
The first case was notice in afemale travel agent who lived in outskirt of Zambia .
She suffered from fever like illness which grew worse of time .
She was taken to johannesburg.
The parademic who had nurse her in Lusaka died of the infection and the health care workers who taking care fo it also infected.
We all know that it is only an ordinary flu,that spread in Mexico.
Today the A(h1n1) is declared as a pandemic of (WHO) World Health Organization.
It spread in almost 90 countries approximately 50,000 peoples was affected by this virus,
And almost 200 life was end.
In continues damaging of this influenza,perhaps the other growing virus is forgotten by many people..
That end the life of 5 people in Zambia and South Africa
A virus that when it spread it is worse than A(h1n1) it is also believing that this virus also came in animals...
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